IJEAST-Unpaid Journal
Online Peer Review With
Impact Factor- 4.982
By Sahil Bhardwaj | Published 15th May, 2019
To Publish research paper is ideally one of the most important aspect of your academics. To Select the free research journals for your research is a cumbersome process and probably one of the most frustrating part of research .Researching as the name suggest is an investigative process that involves searching for new knowledge to expound on existing knowledge. Finding new knowledge to publish research paper is never easy, especially in a field that has been overly researched .We will start with the Do’s to publish paper . The first thing to do is to select a custom paper research topic and explain why it is relevant to conduct research on the topic . Do specify the focus of your research. Choose a strong statement to publish paper in a reputed free research journals , the topic of research should neither too broad not narrow and it should be supported by arguments . Do strictly follow the Journal instructions; submit the paper in journal template ,collect the relevant data and organise it carefully, take time to read and discuss,keep the audience in mind before going to publish paper ,make an outline of the paper . Now the Dont’s , Never plagiarize your paper research. Remember to provide correct and appropriate citations in the text and reference section.Dont talk about your study in the middle of the paper and then go back to discuss research. This will break up your introduction and leave your readers confused , Don’t lose focus and add unneccasry detail in your research .Dont discuss details about your study in the first paragraph . Your first paragraph should be short summary of what your entire introduction will say. Don’t simply repeat what you have previously stated, including over –summarizing . Don’t overreach with conclusion ,don’t overclaim ,similarly don’t over-criticize other’s work .If you want to claim some unjustified points , it is better to put them in conclusion. The best manta is Don’t put too much pressure on yourself while writing your rough draft , just write the whole paper even if it is feel like horrible . Getting the lag work done early is really helpful so that later all you have to do is revise and edit.
31st March 2025
Non Profitable Journal